Monday, April 19, 2010

Okay, So I Got a Little Distracted.....

To be 100% honest, I forgot about the whole blog thing.....and that's a shame because it's been a busy, somewhat memorable, somewhat forgettable Winter.

Life has just flown by with all the usual ups and downs. In a nutshell, my hubby found a job (yeah!) and my girls are trying to drive me crazy. Not in a bad way, they just have so much in their own lives, it's hard to keep up with who needs what, when and why.

After 15 months of zero paychecks, my husband was hired by a well known tele-communication company. He had to swallow a huge portion of pride and politely tuck his Master's degree and all his credentials into his back pocket, and learn how to be a sales and customer service rep. Now, to his credit, he is an excellent "people-person" and this, I believe will take him far with the company. But, everyone must pay their dues and this is certainly one of those times. Can I just say what a relief it has been to have the extra income back on board? It's not anywhere near what it was, back in the day, but we have learned some humbling lessons in frugal living, and after living on MY paychecks for over a year, his new paycheck is like chocolate fudge on the sundae! Sweet!

My life is okay, and at this very moment, I feel like there is too much to write about, but I've had some surreal events in the past few months that have taken me to places I never expected to go. For, a "pageant mom"!?!? You have no idea how funny that statement is! My little one, my precious 15 year old, decided that she wanted to be in her school pageant. This is a huge fundraiser for the school's athletic program. Of course, she wasn't qualified to be THE Miss Wildcat, as that title is reserved for a Senior, but she was shooting for Miss Freshman Wildcat and once she was nominated, there was no turning back. I really didn't know if she'd even be voted in as one of the lucky 15 candidates, but sure enough....she was and the race was on. I have never been interested in pageants and know nothing about it, but it was an eye-opener for certain.

Stop by again....I'll tell you all about big hair and high heels in the South.


1 comment:

  1. hey, i tried to post on your latest post, but it wouldn't let me!

    wow, you are a brave mom to enter the pageant world! mary e was looking into jv cheerleading for next year, but (thankfully) changed her mind and has decided that voice and acting lessons are more her style! (she's been in two small school musicals and is "heading for julliard!").

    i will be around...keep posting and we'll see you in a few weeks at camp!
