Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Have Ya Ever Been to Chaaawlstn'?

Ya haven't? Well Sugah, you MUST go's absolutely just too precious! ..........Okay, well maybe I'm pouring on a bit too thick there, but it's not far from the truth! We just drip with enthusiasm when we want to make SURE that you understand how strongly we feel about something, and South Carolinians have some strong feelings about their favorite spots. Charleston is one of those places.

Not being a native of S.C., I had to acquaint myself with the city and sure enough....fell in love. I don't even think I've seen all the little nooks and crannys but I know that I love the shopping and I'm just crazy about the food. The buildings are charming and have so much fascinating history attached. It's old. Really, really old....but you wouldn't want it any other way. The Market is a fun place to look at this and that.....lots of interesting pottery, one of my favorites, and hand woven baskets made from Sweetgrass.

The girls and I planned our little outing and headed out last Saturday for a Mother's Day celebration. The weather was sunny and a bit toasty, but we didn't mind that much. We had fun doing a little window shopping and a little "gotta buy that" shopping and then had a wonderful lunch at 82 Queen. I had never been there before, but it came highly recommended and as promised, the food was delish! We ate outside in a garden/gazebo setting and thoroughly enjoyed the gracious Charleston hospitality at it's best. There are so many great places to eat around there and I could give you a list of my favorites, but maybe I'll save that for another time. I should mention though, that until I moved to South Carolina, I thought grits were only served at breakfast as a side to eggs. Silly me!

We had a fabulous time and drug our tired little selves home around 7:00 pm but it was worth it! Because of Charleston? Well, sort of.....but mostly because I now have another great memory tucked away, of time spent with my daughters. In case you have figured it out yet.....I'm totally in love with these girls!!!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day Minus Paper Mache

I've been a Mom for quite a while now....almost 28 years to be exact! In some ways, the time has just flown so quickly, I can hardly believe it, and in other ways....the time has just crawled along at a snail's pace. The moments when you are so tired, you can hardly keep your head up, or your eyes open, and this very small, demanding little creature will NOT allow you a nano-second to even flirt with the thought of a nap. Then there are the times when you just want to get to where you need to be. Zip-zip! This should be done in a flash, but NOOOOOOOooooo! The toddler needs to be properly dressed, strapped into a car seat, cajoled into tolerating this quick little drive to the grocery store, back out of the car seat, drag all the baby paraphernalia into the grocery store and attempt to grab a few items before the box of animal crackers is gobbled up.

Mom wants just a little peace and quiet....a mere moment of silent reflection while surrounded by porcelain, water, a fluffy roll of paper (you get the idea) and here comes the pre-schooler with the litany of "why" questions. They just keep talking and talking and talking ......true youngest was famous for her non-stop chatter from the back seat of the car. My husband finally requested that she "give her little tongue a rest...just for the last few minutes of the drive home". She paused for about 15 seconds and then told him that the reason she talked so much was because sometimes, she just forgot what her voice sounded like. So I guess she really DOES talk, just to hear herself speak! Anyway....whether or not you can relate to any of these little tales, it's probably an easy assumption that ALL Mom's have moments of wishing time would speed up just enough to get past whatever point of frustration they are currently going through.

But then there is Mother's Day. No matter what kind of a year you've had, some clever school teacher, or Sunday school teacher, or Girl Scout Leader, will come up with an adorable project that will be crafted with so much love and enthusiasm, your child will hardly be able to sleep the night before the presentation. My girls have locked themselves in their rooms, sneaking out only to stealthily grab some scissors, or scotch tape. There is giggling and rustling of tissue paper and all the other fun sounds that I will remember with great affection. It's the sounds of love. This is what kids do....they pull together little treasures of glue and Popsicle sticks, gaudy rhinestones, macaroni, and don't forget....paper mache! I've received little handmade jewelry boxes, decorative magnets for the refrigerator, necklaces and lapel pins. Handprints in paint, ink or clay, and poems with awkward rhymes, but sentiment that takes your breath away.

My girls are all grown up now and as a really special treat, the four of us are going to spend the day in Charleston on Saturday, ,celebrating Mother's Day, doing what we do and eating! The weather is supposed to be mild and sunny and we'll have a blast...gaurenteed....but on Sunday morning, I can almost feel the little pang of OUCH as I realize that there will be no "mystery sculpture" made of flour, water and strips of newspaper.

So don't wish it away TOO quickly.....paper mache needs time to dry!

Happy Mother's Day ya'll!